Highly experienced Scientists, Engineers, Inventors, and Dreamers.
Active in developing and implementation of AI, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Augmented Reality and Robotics algorithms and software.
Cortechma is a provider of intelligent software development and analytical consultant services.
Aside novel Artificial Intelligence algorithms development we are specialized in analysis of the enterprise big data using cloud platforms and tools to build predictive models for the best strategic decision making and business intelligence.
Cortechma also has an enhanced portfolio of completed projects in commercial, industrial, science, medical and healthcare utilized innovative Artificial Intelligence solutions.
Another key ingredient at Cortechma is Research and Development projects employing state-of-the-art technologies in AI, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Robotics and Augmented Reality powered by AI.
Company has a dedicated team of highly educated and experienced instructors to offer wide range of engineering and data science certificate courses.
Cortechma team includes highly educated and senior level engineers, scientists and developers.
Headquartered in the Canada and operating internationally, our team drives digital transformation and offers verity of analytical products and services globally.
Our team members are experts in multiple domains consist of:
AI, Machine Learning, Deep Learning algorithms development and end to end solutions.
Data Engineering.
Cloud platforms and tools architecture and solutions.
Augmented Reality powered by AI software products and services.
Mobile apps development.
Intelligent Robotics software and solutions.
Project management and consultation.
R&D to build quick and customized prototypes aligned with client’s needs.
Preparation of articles, journal papers and patents by development of novel solutions.
Engineering and data science courses offering.